sensasi panik! ..butuh ruminasi! medikasi..fobia ini, takut terbang.. segala catastrophizing.. is this unconcious expression or whatever plain metaphors.. oh fuck, the venom is wide spreading, injured my broken wings (bloody perversion. i'm gonna fall. parachute!) ..oh i, impaired memory. phoebe io elara ledo calisto sinope janus dione portia so many moons.. there's screaming, "fly you perseverative bitch!" ..then up and away, icarus i became the sun that's spying my narrowed perceptions and clouded judgment. then relief has been found. no, you never told me to fly against the milkyway, but i remember you've teached me how to fall with honnor. i fell with honnor. medication completed. i've watched them four birds painting the rainbow with mejikuhibiniu outside in vega capella hadar rigel bernard's star antares aldebaran altair wolf359 betelgeuse sun. lovers come and lovers go, the four of you are remaining.. my pseudoephedrine. 25 times healing than antihistamine. ;-)
At 4:16 AM,
~ JNZ ~ said…
ckck... up, up, and away...
bahasa lo hasyaaaaahhh...
At 8:24 AM,
perawan membakar kampus said…
oh? i wrote it esp. for you bitch hehehehe
At 4:37 AM,
~ JNZ ~ said…
anjirrr, tapi nulisnya pake bahasa orang awam dooong, hihihi, gue blom mampu mendigestnya dngan baik dan benar niiih, hehe, thank u anyways biatch!
At 8:25 AM,
perawan membakar kampus said…
there are times i oddly find myself hard to express anything, so excuse my bad languange hehehe. but yeah this is for you,up up and away..
At 8:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wew..postingan lama bener....bahsanya kaya orang manic depression...qqq...
At 3:46 AM,
Unknown said…
iya, dono. postingan lama yang manic
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