poematic shy
ok,so there was this boy back in my high shcool times, whom i had a gigantic crush on! he was in a band and he plays guitar. slurp! oh you know how i've always loved guitar player right. he had like these sexiest picking guitar fingers ahahahaha. anyways, waktu itu kebetulan lagi masa2nya ninggalin 'surat kaleng' di kolong bangku sekolah kan (and the secret admirer thing huhuhu)..uh-huh, you remember? ;) yes, i left a note with a poem under his chair and i do remember how i was got so exciting that day..i always wondered how would he feels when he finds my poem..deg deg..dag dig dug..(of course i didn't write my name. i was too bashful and he was like the all star prom king of all high schools buuhuu) i felt like being trapped in a room and waiting for a bomb to explode!
the poem goes like this :
i dream under the rain of corona
trembled firedust dazles in athena
heartbeat is a lover dancing high
angels rush into amazing sky
i stare at the enchanting star
lost from the eclipse far
played the sirene of a lover's song
you are the sun for everyone
to fall down upon a restless tree
with a poem i found over the mercury
(i wish your heart fell for me only).
the poem goes like this :
i dream under the rain of corona
trembled firedust dazles in athena
heartbeat is a lover dancing high
angels rush into amazing sky
i stare at the enchanting star
lost from the eclipse far
played the sirene of a lover's song
you are the sun for everyone
to fall down upon a restless tree
with a poem i found over the mercury
(i wish your heart fell for me only).
At 4:22 AM,
[ d i e n k ] said…
klo yang nerima surat yg lo tulis itu gw ndah, pasti gw langsung klepek-klepek. hehehe..
tau nda knp? krn ga ngerti bahasana, hukekekeke... =P Poor me!
bcanda dey! ^^ puisi lo bgs koq. Good..good..
At 10:09 AM,
perawan membakar kampus said…
buku harian sma yg terlupakan.. surat cinta dan roman. (kamu masih anak sekolaahhh satu es-em-aaaa..lalalala..)
At 9:46 PM,
~ JNZ ~ said…
huahaha... eh ndah, itu keren lho dibikin lagu... mendingan lo kolaborasi ama sujar biar sujar bikin melodinya, huekekek... trus kalian duet.. ya paling ga, akhirnya lo diijinkan bernyanyi :D
At 11:55 PM,
perawan membakar kampus said…
agung : ahahahahah oh my, it would so obvious then if i wrote it in indonesian instead. well, klo pun iya gw tulis pake b.indo, mungkin bukan puisi lagi bentuknya. tp ajakan utk pergi ke monas, berduaan. njieee oldskul berat
At 12:02 AM,
perawan membakar kampus said…
janice : sekalinya diijinkan bernyanyi..tapi..sama sujar?! omg,omg..*pingsan* trus daftar bwat ikutan flubber gitu? huhuhu boleh aja, asal si sujar juri flubber. oh akhirnya gw bisa menang kontes menyanyi hiehiehei *wishful thinking*
At 8:54 AM,
~ JNZ ~ said…
humm... diijinin nyanyi aja udah bagush lho ndahh.. jangan terbawa sampe ngareup menang dooong, hahahaha... kiddin baby girl ;)
At 2:27 PM,
oyaa said…
setuju usul janice u/dijadiin lagu tapi TIDAK SETUJU kl dinyanyiin sama lo....sumpaah deh ndah.. di luar sana banyak kok vokalis2 bersuara emas yg rela menyanyikan lagumu dgn cuma - cuma daripada mendengarkan suaramu dgn cuma - cuma! huahauhhahahaahha
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