once upon a time, there lived an ugly little duckling
Oh honey, i wish i can give you the best day of my life. But i already gave it to another boy, many times ago
Oh my caramel rain, i wish i could give you all that i have. but someone else has already stole a half of my soul.
He will always possesed that part of me forever.
Millie.. Look, my hands are bleeding. I've wrote too many songs before, i can't even cast a spell on you
Bashful loverboy.. kissing with you almost taste like a girl scoutt's first kiss. Sweet and minty, but not too salty. Tender, like a cotton candy. you pushed your lips to mine, amphetamine.. you taste just like amphetamine
But i will never forget somebody else's kiss instead.. for every 1001 kisses will always taste his lips..
i am the ugliest duckling
i see the sun is green
Will you still look out for me ?
Won't you still cherish me the way i am ?
or am i still your future in the house we build together..
love is colour blind
i didn't realize the sun was yellow
if you leave me now
i will lost everything that i have. well, i don't have much left inside
I hope the angels spoke the truth, you're the antidote for a panic rush
Please, never talk about our wounded hearts. cos hearts were made to be broken
Lullaby crystal, the world is so fake, but you're so real..
Oh silly milly, i wish i can be the rock upon which you stand. But i'm already being the rock upon which he's standing
Oh honey.. i would die to give you the best day of my life. Give me back, give me back..
(I will always look out for you, cherish you)
(every moment we spend will be the best days for you and me)
(you are the woman, the unfaithfull tinkerbell daisy. you're always be the woman)
He is the boy, the electrifying lonely sweetheart. He will always be the boy...
Oh my caramel rain, i wish i could give you all that i have. but someone else has already stole a half of my soul.
He will always possesed that part of me forever.
Millie.. Look, my hands are bleeding. I've wrote too many songs before, i can't even cast a spell on you
Bashful loverboy.. kissing with you almost taste like a girl scoutt's first kiss. Sweet and minty, but not too salty. Tender, like a cotton candy. you pushed your lips to mine, amphetamine.. you taste just like amphetamine
But i will never forget somebody else's kiss instead.. for every 1001 kisses will always taste his lips..
i am the ugliest duckling
i see the sun is green
Will you still look out for me ?
Won't you still cherish me the way i am ?
or am i still your future in the house we build together..
love is colour blind
i didn't realize the sun was yellow
if you leave me now
i will lost everything that i have. well, i don't have much left inside
I hope the angels spoke the truth, you're the antidote for a panic rush
Please, never talk about our wounded hearts. cos hearts were made to be broken
Lullaby crystal, the world is so fake, but you're so real..
Oh silly milly, i wish i can be the rock upon which you stand. But i'm already being the rock upon which he's standing
Oh honey.. i would die to give you the best day of my life. Give me back, give me back..
(I will always look out for you, cherish you)
(every moment we spend will be the best days for you and me)
(you are the woman, the unfaithfull tinkerbell daisy. you're always be the woman)
He is the boy, the electrifying lonely sweetheart. He will always be the boy...
At 12:03 PM,
oyaa said…
kayak bgini bginiii niiih...hahhahaha....
halaah sudah dicurhatkan ratusan kali dgn saya, masih suruh komen hahhahahaha....
hanya ingin bertanya, sudah berubah rasanyakah sekarang??
At 12:29 PM,
perawan membakar kampus said…
hi neng! seperti baru kemarin..betapa semangatnya saya bercurhat tentang rumah yg akan dibangun berdua! ...nampaknya,sudah berubah rasa-rasa//sdikit tawar//padahal baru kemarin kita bercengkerama bukan?! tentang rumah asmara..ahh me unfaithful tinkerbell daisyyy..tak bisa berubah..ini kutukan!
At 7:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
hahaha... vicious circle kah engkau berada ndah? finally i took the time to read about this after i acknowledged what was really happening before; i am so dumb didnt know any bit of detailed information.. ahh your tell a tale bedtime story.. curse? maybe. yes but, there always is one way to escape from it, am i right?
lips taste kisses sweet. memories. past. now. present. here. -ing. new kisses. new lips. same taste. damned?
hahahahahahaha........ ironic it is.
At 4:10 AM,
perawan membakar kampus said…
it's like having a real life butterfly effect..and yes i am cursed! =(
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